
Saturday, 9 November 2013

Biophilia submission

We've been excited by the high calibre of submissions coming in for our launch exhibition, Biophilia. 

Our estate agents have been pretty rubbish at responding to problems with the building, which has pushed things back. The deadline has therefore been extended. We'll accept submissions up until the end of 11th November. 

Send web-sized photographs or scans of the original artworks in jpeg form to before the 11th of November 2013. Please entitle your submission Biophilia submission and attach your jpeg(s). Short biographies detailing your background, previous exhibitions or publications are welcome in the body of the email. Include your name and contact details and the number of images you are submitting.

If you've landed here after the 11th November, then feel free to try us and send something anyway. We can't guarantee we'll be able to consider anything that arrives after the 11th for the Biophilia exhibition but we might consider it for future exhibitions. 

The preview will be on Saturday 7th December, and the gallery will launch on Monday 9th December. The location will be disclosed soon. 

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